'; #} $pageTitle = 'Floré Events: Show Room'; $style = "#main{background:#000 url('images/showroombg.jpg')no-repeat;background-image:url('images/showroombg.jpg');}"; $style .= '#content{background:#EC7D3A;}#title{color:#EC7D3A;}#title2{color:#EC7D3A;}a{text-decoration:none;color:#EC7D3A;} .galLink{width:150px;height:110px;text-align:center;float:right;margin-right:10px;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:bold;font-size:.8em;} .galLink img{border:2px solid #fff;} .galLink img:hover{border:2px solid #ec7d3a;} .containerGal{float:right;width:500px;height:375px;padding-top:30px;} '; if(isset($galleryx)) { $style = '#main{background:#000;}'; $style .= '#content{background:#EC7D3A;}#title{color:#EC7D3A;}a{text-decoration:none;color:#EC7D3A;}'; } $pageTitle = 'Floré Events: Show Room'; include_once('includes/header.php') ?> ';} function b(){print '
';} function c(){print '
';} $a = 0; $z = 0; #Directory Listing $folder = 'images/gallery/'; $f = dir($folder); #Builds the folder array and removes the trailing ',' while($entry=$f->read()){if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && $entry != '.svn'):$folders .= $entry.',';endif;} $folders = substr($folders,0,-1); $fArray = explode(',',$folders); if(isset($galleryx)){ $shrm = $galleryx; } print '
'; print '
'; foreach($fArray as $gallery): $title = ucwords($gallery); if(!isset($galleryx)){ print ''; } endforeach; c(); $c = count($fArray); print '
'; $image = $thumbs = ''; if(isset($galleryx)) { #print '

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'; $folder = $folder.$galleryx.'/'; #print $folder; $open = opendir($folder); $x=0; while(false !== ($file = readdir($open))) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != 'Thumbs.db'): $images .= ' '; $thumbs .= ''; $x++; endif; } } print $thumbs; $xmlStart = ''; #$xmlStart = 'xyz'; $xmlEnd = ''; $xmlGallery = $xmlStart.$images.$xmlEnd; if (file_exists('imagesshow.xml')) { $open = fopen('imagesshow.xml', w); $all = filesize('imagesshow.xml'); #$current = fread($open,$all); $current = $xmlGallery; #$current = ''; fwrite($open,$current); fclose($open); #opens in write mode, replace content and closes the file print $xmlGallery; } else { print 'Unable to create xml'; } ?>